For single men ages 18-50. Spend the weekend of June 7-9 with other men from the Diocese of Manchester who are discerning the Lord’s will for their lives. Fr. Matthew Mason and the vocations team will lead a retreat at the Barbara Harris Retreat Center on the shores of beautiful Otter Lake in Greenfield, NH. Take time to pray, to learn, and to listen for the Lord’s will for your life. The cost is only $50 and financial aid is available. For more information or to register please visit or contact Becky Vinson in the Vocations Office at 603-663-0153 or [email protected]
Saint Andrew was the first of the apostles to hear Jesus’ call to follow him. We would like to invite men in our diocese who are considering a vocation to the priesthood or would simply like some help hearing the Lord’s call for their life, to an evening of prayer, conversation with the Vocations Team, and dinner. These evenings will take place for different age groups on Fridays from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Joseph House (279 Cartier Street) in Manchester. Please RSVP to Becky Vinson at [email protected] or 603.663.0153 if you would like to attend. February 22: Age 25 and over.
Join us for a Eucharistic Holy Hour for Vocations to the Priesthood at the hour when our diocese traditionally celebrates ordination to the priesthood on this day. With no one being ordained for our diocese this year, we must ask the "Lord of the harvest to send more workers into his vineyard." All of us interceding--young and old alike and everyone in between--will encourage young men to consider a vocation to the priesthood.
Are you discerning a vocation to the priesthood or simply looking for some help with hearing the Lord's call for your life? The first of the apostles that Jesus called was Saint Andrew, brother of Simon Peter. Men in our diocese who may be hearing a similar call are invited to attend an evening of prayer, conversation with the Vocations Team, and dinner. Each of these evenings will take place on Fridays from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at different locations around our state and for different age groups. If interested, please contact Father Joe, who would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Please click the photo for the full schedule and more information about the Sacrament of Holy Orders.