There will be an information session in the church Hall on Wednesday, March 7th at 6:00 p.m. for all those who wish to learn more about the Alvirne Renovation Project. High School Principal, Steve Beals, will present, and answer any questions to help inform voters. Town voting day is Tuesday March 13th at the Community Center. Parents, if you want to attend but have child care issues, certified baby sitters will be made available if there is a need. Please call the office at 603.882.7793 in advance of the meeting to ensure that the proper coverage of sitters can be provided. The presentation will start promptly at 6:00 p.m. so that it can be completed in adequate time to allow for attendance at the 7:00 p.m. liturgy for those wishing to attend.
Our parish Tithing Council is accepting applications for fall 2018 scholarships through May 1, 2018. Several scholarships are awarded each year to students who will be attending college or trade school in the fall, have maintained a C or better average in high school, and are active, registered, confirmed parishioners of Saint Kathryn's. The scholarship may be used for tuition, books, or supplies.
Give your teenager the inspiration they need to enliven their faith and inspire your entire parish community! Steubenville East will take place from July 13-15, 2018 at UMass Lowell. This is an incredible event for the young people of our parish and diocese to gather together with kids their own age and celebrate their commitment to Jesus Christ. Inspired by the Gospel message, Steubenville is a weekend of engaging liturgies, inspiring music, challenging talks and overwhelming joy, all while offering deep and moving experiences of prayer and fellowship for teens and high school kids entering the 9th through 12th grade. The event will feature opportunities for group sessions, Mass, time for adoration, great speakers, powerful music, confession, fellowship, and Christian entertainment. If you interested in attending Steubenville East, please contact the office, as we are coordinating the group with chaperones and travel. Click on the picture for the link to the website for registration, now open with the early bird ticket price, good until June 1st.
Have you recently joined Saint Kathryn’s Parish—let’s say in the last five years? Are you still trying to find your place here and learn about the many programs that are available? During this Jubilee Year, we will host a monthly gathering for our new parishioners in the parish hall where you can meet Father Joe, a staff member, and a member of our parish lay leadership in an informal gathering to chat about our life, the vision for our parish, and your place among us. We can explain our programs, share our history with you, and discover how you can become more of a part of this vibrant, loving community. Please join us in the parish hall on Monday, February 12, 2018 from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Are you discerning a vocation to the priesthood or simply looking for some help with hearing the Lord's call for your life? The first of the apostles that Jesus called was Saint Andrew, brother of Simon Peter. Men in our diocese who may be hearing a similar call are invited to attend an evening of prayer, conversation with the Vocations Team, and dinner. Each of these evenings will take place on Fridays from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at different locations around our state and for different age groups. If interested, please contact Father Joe, who would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Please click the photo for the full schedule and more information about the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
Vacation Bible School will take place at Saint Patrick School in Pelham from July 9th-13th, 9:00 a.m. - noon. Last year, over 140 children, teens and adult volunteers from all over the diocese attended this themed week of games, music, skits, crafts and food. Early registration is now open and forms are at the back of the church. Volunteer opportunities are also available for 20 teen service hours and fill up fast!
The Daughters of Eve women's group would like to invite all women of the parish to a Lenten morning of reflection on March 3rd from 8:30-noon. Sister Ellen Keane, SNDdeN, Assistant Director of Notre Dame Spirituality Center Ipswich, MA, will be our guest speaker. Registration is $10 with breakfast included. Registration forms are at the back of the church. Please register by February 28th.